
McCain's Senior Adviser: Palin Candidacy Would Be 'Catastrophic'

realismrox10/02/2009 6:47:48 pm PDT

re: #350 rollwave87

I have a lot of respect for Steve Schmidt. I know he’s not a left wing moonbat, but I also know that he isn’t just a Mitt (“buy my snake oil!”) Romney fan boy, so his critizisms of Palin carry the most weight so far for me. And he’s correct that she hasn’t helped herself out at all in the almost 12 months since the election. This being said, a fair read of Schmidt’s comments would lead one to the conclusion that he is implying that if she were to moderate herself and act more like the lady she was when McCain first picked her, a lady who initially engendered great feelings in most Americans according to every poll, she may still have a future. I think that at this point thats where I’m at vis-a-vis Sarah as well.

I don’t think she’s capable of moderating herself, she is really a nut. The lady she was when McCain picked her was a total unknown, who had a well-written speech to deliver. Unfortunately, pretty much everything she has said beyond her first speech and her remarks at the convention has been nonsense. She isn’t the person who recited prepared remarks written by the McCain staff, she who she is.

On a somewhat unrelated point, I think that her facebook post where she talked about the death panels were probably not her own idea either. She doesn’t seem clever enough to come with something like that. I’m not saying that’s she actually stupid, but I wonder if some adviser put this idea in her head.