
New Study: US Weather Stations Not Biased Toward Warming

Mad Prophet Ludwig1/30/2010 2:37:58 pm PST

re: #339 Walter L. Newton

He’s the fucking director of the IPCC… Dr. Rajendra Pachauri. Your comment above must be satire or sarcasm or something, because if you are honestly telling me that you know nothing of Dr. Rajendra Pachauri?

Are you sure you don’t want to rescind that statement above?

Believe it or don’t Walter, I didn’t recognize his name. But you are right, I do remember him now that you have reminded me of his post. Why? Because the UN is a political body and I deal with other professional scientists all the time and read their papers.

As I have kept saying over and over and over, read the actual science. Look at the actual papers. Politics is politics and it is not science. To be honest, if he hadn’t have made a name for himself in the news, I never would have heard of El-Baredi either.. But you know what, not giving a damn about El-Baredi does not mean not knowing about nuclear physics. It means you don’t care about political wonks.

So once again and for the final time, look at the damn data and the damn papers.

Furthermore, I have been shouting for over a year now that the IPCC report was toned down at the hands of the politicos at the UN. So if anything, you are rightly bringing up that putting politicians or political appointees in positions of science is a bad thing.