
Why Did the Military Tell a Special Forces Team Not to Fly to Benghazi? (For Good Reasons)

Buck5/08/2013 11:37:22 am PDT

re: #338 Bert’s House of Beef and Obdicuts

What is the testimony that’s not part of the report? And what do you mean by ‘testimony’, are they swearing to stuff under oath?

It is against the law to lie to Congress. There is testimony as to what happened during the September 11th 2012 attack in Libya where an American Ambassador was killed.

If this testimony contradicts previous testimony or the ARM report then someone is lying to congress.

I really, honestly, have not kept track of the conspiracy theory, so can you just make it clear what the hell it is you think is somehow problematic here?

You are trying to make me say something. I honestly do not know exactly what, BUT I have been perfectly clear about what would be ‘problematic’.

We seem to be centering on Mr. Hicks. However there are people backing up his story.

Gregory Hicks.. 2 masters degrees, 22 years of experience and service to the USA. Stationed or served as security for US diplomats in Libya, Afghanistan and Bahrain. Speaks fluent Arabic.

A bit more than just a fine civil servant.

As I said, I am surprised there is a rush to use an unnamed source as the method to discredit him.

Why is it so hard to understand that?