
Alleged New Audio Recording of the Shooting of Michael Brown Surfaces: 11 Shots Audible

Lidane8/26/2014 9:56:46 am PDT

‘You Stupid Jackass!’: Darren Wilson Supporters Clash with Ferguson Business Owner on CNN

Tensions may have eased between protesters and police in Ferguson since the height of the unrest there last week following the fatal shooting of 18-year-old unarmed Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson. But as a report aired by CNN this morning demonstrated, the increasingly vocal supporters of Wilson are fueling new conflicts in that Missouri suburb.

Jake Tapper was interviewing a Wilson supporter on the street in Ferguson when a local business owner approached him and started saying he did not want the “controversy” they were bringing to the situation given the fact that his store is in a predominately black area.

“It’s my First Amendment right and I am a United States citizen,” one of the pro-Wilson demonstrators told the business owner.

“I am a United States citizen too!” the man shot back. When another protester asked him if he speaks English, he grew even angrier, responding, “I am speaking English, do you understand that?! You stupid jackass!”