
Pat Buchanan Defends Sarah Palin's Birther Pandering

ulmsey12312/05/2009 5:19:30 am PST

Pat Buchanan is a fool. Palin is not a fool, but is more concerned of selling her book than her political future and conservatives are foolish if they don’t see that. (good for her, by the way. Laughing all the way to the bank)
Regarding Obama’s birth certificate: I used to be a darkroom/camera guy in the wonderful world of Reprographics, so I know a thing or two about photographic films. There is microfilm available (so I’ve read) of the newspaper clipping in Hawaii announcing Obama’s birth. I think it’s an easy thing forging a document. It’s nearly impossible to forge a piece of microfilm from nearly 50 years ago. I don’t doubt he was born here.
There is an issue when he returned here after living in Indonesia and how that was handled. It’s possible that he technically may have had to re-establish his citizenship here and I never heard a clear story about that. But honestly, that’s splitting hairs a bit.
Rather than argue his birth, the GOP should be arguing policy. Win with ideas, not mud. It works better.
I have hope for the GOP. But it needs to be reformed. “Real” conservatives that have actual thoughts need to purge the party.