
The Guantanamo 'Suicides' - A Cover-Up?

funky chicken1/22/2010 5:18:53 am PST

re: #333 sireverlast

This is a conspiracy theory almost on par with the Birther and 9/11 troofers.
This article is suspect because it doesn’t match the official accounts. Forget that several hundred people work on the Guard Force at any given time and that for this ridiculous conspiracy theory to have occurred, all of them would have had to shut their mouths about it, along with the NCIS, DoJ, and the current administration. Not to mention that it hasn’t been proven that the site in the article is the CIA camp, nor was a credible reason given for why two prisoners who were on an upcoming DMO (detainee movement order) back to their native countries would be killed by US soldiers. There was no cover up. This is just a conspiracy theory article written by a bunch of law students who want to beef up their “constitutional rights” credentials. You’ll notice that Seton Hall’s Law school has been at the forefront of quite a few pro-detainee articles and some of the teachers there represented detainees. This allegation with it’s “Camp No” account is simply ludicrous.

Yep. But the iceweasel-Jimmah tag team just can’t get enough of it. How sad that a recently married couple spends their time promoting conspiracy theories and updinging each other on a blog every day. Oh well, I guess it works for them.


And that census worker in KY killed himself in a similar way. I was sure he was murdered by meth cookers, because I just couldn’t believe a guy could manage to bind himself up so completely. I was wrong then, and I’m pretty sure these GTMO inmates were every bit as motivated to kill themselves as the census guy.

Maybe they helped each other? Fanatical Islamists do have a history of glorifying spectacular suicide, after all.