
Changelog: On Torture

researchok11/04/2010 3:51:40 pm PDT

Yeah, if I were in charge of Hamas or Hizbollah, I’d keep on storing weapons in schools or fire big guns from hospital roofs. Yesiree, I’d do that because I know we’d never get hit- and we can count on everyone else to damn the Jew bastards if they defend themselves.

There were arguments made as early as 1942 against bombing Auschwitz and other camps so that they might be put out of business, because Jews and other civilians would be killed. So they stayed in business until 1945.

I guess not bombing the camps was the moral thing to do. So very, very moral.

War is not pretty. The moment the first innocent is killed in a war, that war becomes immoral. Every war is immoral.

That does not mean that all wars are unjust or ought not be fought. Had Berlin been bombed after the outbreak of hostilities in 1939, up to 50 million lives would have spared.

50 million.

Yeah, good thing we did the moral thing and spared the good citizens of Berlin.