
Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose GOP's Windfall for the Rich

NamDoc6712/03/2010 3:37:38 pm PST

re: #349 Obdicut

Nor would that person be making that money if he wasn’t inside a civil society provided by the system of government in which he lives.

And so … what then?

To the extent that I get what you are trying to say, which is not easy, you would probably like the proposal recently floated in Great Britain, whereby every employer would be required to increase worker’s witholding taxes to 100%. The government would then send the worker whatever it felt was fair, as a kind of allowance, keeping the rest for its own morally superior priorities.

That’s only just, after all, because no one would have anything but for the benevolent overseers in government. Right?

This is essentially an argument against private property.

And it is not a new argument.