
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

Right Brain10/02/2009 12:12:03 pm PDT

As a practical matter it struck me as a very strange thing to do for President Obama to go to Copenhagen to pitch the city of Chicago, not his home town, and a city that exhibited a complete loathing for Obama when he ran for Congress. (For the historically challenged: Bobby Rush 75% vs. Barack Obama 25% Illinois 1st District contest).

President Obama is already bleeding support for having mangled the health care debate so badly, he didn’t need anymore public failures right now. Yes many are cracking up at this latest gaffe, but not just the right, fr. Urgent Agenda (former NY Times Magazine editor):

“Some good can come out of this. Maybe President Obama will finally realize that he can’t convince everybody of everything. He has been rebuffed constantly on the international stage. Being The One may have great sway with college students. It doesn’t much cut it with the governing crowd.”