
Va. Governor McDonnell: Slavery Wasn't 'Significant' Enough to Mention

iceweasel4/07/2010 1:10:31 pm PDT

Damn CNN and their damn librhul bias:

In Quest For ‘Hard News,’ CNN Investigates: ‘Homosexuality, Is It A Problem In Need Of A Cure?’

Clearly, “the best political team on television” was just not at its best, proving that CNN can’t be “trusted” to do even the most preliminary background research on its guests. The network provided the self-proclaimed former homosexual with a platform to promote his organization, the International Healing Foundation, without once challenging his credentials or claims of rehabilitation. In reality, Cohen has been kicked out of the The American Counseling Association and currently operates without any professional license or accreditation. His views on homosexuality have been discredited by every established medical organization and his ideas about gays are apparently only taken seriously by CNN bookers and producers.

CNN sucks, but it isn’t ‘liberal bias’ that makes it suck.