
Overnight Open Thread

What, me worry?8/12/2010 9:42:08 am PDT

re: #343 ShaunP

He only wants to change the constitution to be more Christian. Good job on him for that though. He does seem like a genuinely nice and honest guy. Some of his ideas scare the crap out of me though…

Huckabee - good to have a beer with; bad for president

It’s so weird for me as a liberal when I have to defend the Republicans I wouldn’t normally defend.

One of my bosses is far right. We’re both love politics and have managed to have good conversations without really offending each other. Anyway, he told me he’s going to vote for Rick Scott because he’s “going to fire 40% of the government”. I’m not a McCollum fan, but I found myself literally begging him to reconsider and vote for McCollum.