
Changelog: On Torture

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/04/2010 3:52:22 pm PDT

re: #346 celticdragon

Do you understand that that actual stated policy of the Nazi government was the eradication of the Jews? That they had a conference, and agreed that the Jews would be enslaved, worked to death, and entirely eradicated?

If the US government supported the genocide of the Sunni population of Iraq, there would be no Sunnis left in Iraq.

Did we shamefully fail to prevent ethnic cleansing, cynically, even turn a blind eye to it? Yes.

Is this in any way the same as building Auschwitz-Birkenau and sending train after train there, to work, slave, and die? To select group after group— Jews, gypsies, homosexuals— who were to be entirely eradicated?


All things are not the same.