
Video: A Glorious Rant by Rachel Maddow on Media Coverage of Benghazi and Iraq

Dr Lizardo6/19/2014 2:59:17 am PDT

A lot of British music fans were disappointed when Iron Maiden said they weren’t going to be playing at the Glastonbury Festival, but in this article, frontman Bruce Dickinson spells out the reasons:

Dickinson told the Telegraph: ‘In the days when Glasto was an alternative festival it was quite interesting.

‘Now it’s the most bourgeois thing on the planet. Anywhere Gwyneth Paltrow goes and you can live in an air-conditioned yurt is not for me.

‘We’ll leave the middle classes to do Glastonbury and the rest of the great unwashed will decamp to Knebworth and drink lots of beer and have fun.’