
It's Darwin Day in the US, Where Far Too Many Fanatics Still Reject Evolution

Blind Frog Belly White2/12/2015 2:25:25 pm PST

re: #338 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Case in point: Glenn Morton.

Don’t know him. But an example of it is a former friend of mine* who correctly countered attacks on Darwin the man by pointing out that in Science we don’t weigh the validity of a hypothesis on the basis of who came up with it, so attacking Darwin - even if successful - left the Theory untouched.

This same guy attacked Phil Jones of the Hadley CRU, based on the ‘Climategate’ nonsense, and when I pointed out that there were other groups that had their own data and analysis that agreed with Jones, he said, “But he is the most prominent.” I.e., discredit Jones, discredit AGW.

Exactly the same approach, which he pointed out was flawed in one case, he used in another.

*Wonderful guy, even invited me to Montana to hunt and helped me get my first deer. Then he went back to where I’d shot it, took a branch off the Juniper tree it had been standing under and a piece of the leg bone (we butchered it in the field), and used them for the handle and bolster (respectively) of a knife he made for me to have a memento.