
Danish Conservative Speaks Out on Climate Change

Korla Pundit9/21/2009 12:46:13 pm PDT

I certainly believe environmental issues are important. I am very against pollution. I support clean air laws. I am an ardent recycler. I think people who dump toxins into the environment should see punitive consequences. The world needs to be maintained as a place humans and other fuzzy creatures can live for eons to come.

I just don’t believe in AGW. I don’t bother trying convince those who do believe it is true that it is not. What’s the point? However, I don’t see why belief in AGW almost always goes hand in hand with supporting cap-and-trade and the many other awful “solutions” put forth, especially when these are championed by people who have made zero efforts at reducing their own humongous carbon output.

These are bad laws that will do absolutely nothing to actually address the climate. They do not even aim at cutting carbon output, assuming that had anything to do with climate. They only take money from one group of people, and give it to those in control of the “carbon credits” market.

It’s basically a “fart tax.”