
Hilariously Sassy Trump in... "Lyin' Trump!"

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines8/17/2016 9:11:50 am PDT

Right wing plumbs the depths:


Is this Assange’s “deciding piece of information that will destroy the Clinton candidacy”?
The loons think so, but their sourcing frankly stinks:

“Durable Adult Diapers” These bizarre search words seem to indicate that something is not right with Hillary Clinton. WIKILEAKS’ hackers managed to hack themselves into Hillary’s private browser on one of her on-trail laptops.

They extracted the search history for the past two months and released them in a data-dump on their website.

This is an obvious load of shit. They hacked her private laptop and could find nothing better than a search for diapers? It was released yesterday afternoon and there is still no other source?

Beyond that, the pure cruelty of thinking that such a revelation would “finish her” is quite striking, and risks alienating a big part of Trump’s elderly base, but reflects the usual level of decency we would expect from Randian conspira-liars (ie none at all).

Most of the freepers are gleefully buying it, but there are quite a few dissenters:

“This goes below the belt (sorry) but seriously, we’re all going to get old and this is just cruel, it will only gain her sympathy. I take no joy in this level of nastiness ..”

“This is not the way I want Trump to win the election.
I want Trump to win so that we can put this nation on the right track and hand the globalists currently running this nation a stinging rebuke.”

“Exactly. Republicans should be very cautious in using this information.
The media would be very eager to portray us as cruel and heartless.”

“I agree. Of all the things we have heard about Hillary, this one thing I don’t find unusual. Considering all the factors (her age, her health, stuck in public appearances) I give her a pass on this.”

“I agree. Trump especially should refrain from making any comments about this whatsoever.”

I expect SMOTI to run with it.