
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in Missouri

calcajun2/19/2009 12:57:51 pm PST

Charles, or any other similarly accommodating Lizard,

Do me a favor if you would and send me links to where the argument has been set forth how this or other similarly-worded bills can be in fact stealth creationist bills. On their face, the language seems innocuous. Without the context of the legislative intent, or some committee notes, it is hard to tell if the law could be used for that manner. I’m not looking to argue the substance of the bill, mind you. I’d like to understand the arguments against this and other bills since the language appears to be neutral. I’d like to see the arguments and measure them against the legislative histories of the bills in order to see under what circumstances, and how likely it is, that these bills could be used/subverted to achieve the ends described. Again, I’m not looking for ammo for an argument—I just want to educate myself.
