
Crack in the Far Right World

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/21/2010 8:41:50 pm PDT

re: #336 karmic_inquisitor

I don’t think taxing the rich and getting the rich to invest are diametrically opposed.

I know a lot of very wealthy people. I know absolutely zero of them who have ever not invested in something because, if it’s successful, they’ll have to pay taxes on it. I know some of them who didn’t invest in something because they felt the government wasn’t investing enough in it. That is currently part of the situation in the economy; a lot of investors are leery of investing since the government is shaky on investment right now.

Taxes certainly can be punitive, but we’re nowhere at all near that level. Tax differentials right now mostly affects people who are not investors in ‘real industries’, but only in the paper ones.