
GOP Budget: No More Color Copies for the Pentagon

Fozzie Bear4/05/2011 1:08:06 pm PDT

re: #330 sattv4u2


So, how about 90%,,, 75%,,, 60%,,???
Whats the number where the threshold is from “stupid” and “economically disastrous” to acceptable?

Good question. The laffer curve peaks, in theory, at about 60%-70% total taxation. Anything to the right of the peak would be destructive policy. Considering we have a bracketed income tax system, that means that rates (for the top brackets) could be around that number, or even above it, without pushing past the peak of the laffer curve. During the 60’s, the top bracket was in the 90%+ range, and we experienced strong growth, for example.

Now, keep in mind that this is total taxation, so you have to factor in state & local taxes, property taxes, etc.