
How Twitter Collaborates With Neo-Nazis

No Malarkey!7/29/2018 9:58:57 am PDT

re: #90 Jay C

I’m just wondering how really “terrifying” that “holy terror waiting in the wings” is likely to be dealing with a Democratic Congress: and one, moreover, which might find the chops to actually remove the Orange Hemorrhoid from the Anal Office. Not the House, of course, which with a Dem Majority would probably impeach Trump between coffee breaks - but the Senate, whose votes in the “trial” phase are what counts in an impeachment.
A President Pence with a Democratic Congress would (obviously) be far from an optimal situation, but then, nearly anything would be better than the incumbent. Low bar, etc……

Keep in mind the GOP would have to nearly unanimously agree that Trump has to go for him to be removed from office, so it simply isn’t going to happen as long as Trump remains personally more popular with the GOP base than the Republicans in Congress.