
The Dishonest Reporting Awards

CyanSnowHawk2/12/2009 1:03:40 pm PST

re: #333 FurryOldGuyJeans

And what gets lost in all the Hopey-Changey rhetoric blathering about the amount of money being returned to taxpayers is the simple lie that the amount is a PROJECTION based on current fiscal and financial accounts. The prior porkulus bills and pay-outs, past, current, and future, are being deliberately ignored to paint this “rosy” picture.

Good news. Reality is beginning to set in.

My favorite part is where it says that the economists are saying this about the stimulus.
“too late”
“provides little boost”
“too big”
“too small”
“colossal waste of money”
“We’re in danger of repeating Japan’s mistakes,” referring to that nation’s policy errors during its “lost decade” in the 1990s.