
LGF on Glenn Beck

Bubbaman4/16/2009 3:59:00 pm PDT

re: #346 AMER1CAN

I can’t defend Glenn Beck at all or any of these TV personality whores. I think he is terrible. In many ways I have watched Glenn Beck grow up. It hasn’t been pretty. He use to work early morning a.m. on my drives into school years ago. He kept drifting off into crazy land step by step. Then he went to CNN and he got a little crazier and this made for good ratings which turned into more money.

Ratchet it up a few more notches in the crazy belt and you get to Fox News where he is getting even more viewers and making I presume even more money.

He is just another enterainer who is only after more money. I can’t fault him. Pay me a million dollars a year, put a teleprompter in my face and I’ll read whatever you want. I will do it because the money means I get to secure my family’s future for a long long time. So who isn’t going to do all they can to make that kind of money? He found a formula that works and now he is making money. SOB.

Don’t let Glenn Beck, Hannity, Bill O, Fox News, be your moral and political compass. These guys are nothing more then entertainers and media celebrities.

Once you understand that, you stop watching and listening to their crap.

They may be selling it, but I ain’t buying it.

With all due respect, if someone pours water representing gasoline on a person in a bizarre attempt illustrate his contempt for the President, he’s a loon. End of story.