
Swine Flu Is Evolution in Action

Hhar5/01/2009 9:03:30 am PDT

re: #355 dwells38

CEQAttorney I think that’s as close to reconciling all of this with your beliefs as you’re going to get. Some of the IDers try to say that evolution is occurring but that God is directly intervening in each micro and macro step. But breaking that down becomes absurd. What God wastes it’s time evolving things like cancer and viruses and insects that lay eggs in other insects body cavities?

ID is often an idea about how theology relates to science. An IDer will take their theology, and say it is science. You can have the same notion that IDers have, and acknowlege that it is hardly science, and not be an IDer. In my religion, we holdthat G-d not only created but sustains the universe. IOW, G-d’s hand is evident in everything, and nothing he does is wasted. That’s a theological position. It does not break down into absurdity, for the simple fact that we do not know why G-d did things and does things the way He does. We do know that He gives us life, and is the source of everything good, and we do not denounce him as absurd, because we are basically ignorant of why He acts the way He does. So what kind of G-d does things as you describe? The G-d who gives life, and sustains, and will sustain.

And how is such an author of mechanicistic oddities and cruel life modes worthy of worship or indistinguishable from blind, cold-hearted natural processes anyway? It provides no answers and only creates lots more questions (who created this cruel God?).

How is He distinguishable from blind mechanism? I have always held that the existence of the Universe is sufficient (but not definitive) evidence for G-d. If you want to know the value of considering G-d, follow in His ways. Which ways, of the myriad religions? I can only point you to mine, as I know their value. Its a personal opinion. Does it have scientific merit? Not really.

I like your faith-based logical leap better. Kind of like a fantasy movie that immediately forces suspension of disbelief up front so you can enjoy vs the one that tries to make you think the hero can somehow dodge bullets and leap from helicopters to trains unscathed.

There is a naive charm to your analysis that I admire. So few people are able to retain into adulthood the innocent appreciativeness you express.