
Rand Paul Favors Allowing Racial Discrimination

RogueOne5/20/2010 3:33:21 pm PDT

re: #343 Obdicut

You should say ‘than my particular interpretation of the Constitution, which is absolutely at odds with how the constitution has been interpreted even from the very beginning of the United States.”

really, was slavery legal at that time?

Here’s a good one:

What do you think the general welfare clause is actually for? What power does it actually give?

Lets say I think the general welfare clause should include religion and that people who believe in a god are a drain on society and cause unnecessary conflict. If I can get 51% of the population to agree with me do we have the right to disband churches? Of course people have that whole freedom of religion thing but that only means they’re allowed to believe in god if they keep it to themselves.

Where does it end? What doesn’t the federal government have the right to decide is for the common good?