
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

austin_blue11/09/2010 6:37:12 pm PST

re: #351 LudwigVanQuixote

Yes it does. When you throw in the fact that my time on the web - particularly after dealing with folks like Bagua and the various snork manifestations - has made me less than willing to put up with twits, idiots and trolls I have become more than a little short with fools. All of my tolerance and good will for such sorts was used up.

I drove down to San Antonio today to present a remediation technologies module to a bunch of young heads full of mush. Listened to Limbaugh on the way. He’s a blast, unless you end up pounding on your radio. It was all “Global warming is a hoax, and the East Anglia Climategate proves it..” blah blah blah..

But his audience eats it up. And they have stroke within the polity.
