
Pro-Walker Bus Tour Ends with a Whimper

darthstar3/07/2011 6:37:34 am PST

re: #350 Rightwingconspirator

I kook forward to the vindication of the sane among us. When Obama handily wins reelection. And given an improved economy, some push back on the tea party denizens.

I wish the Democrats, when they had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and control of the House, had just acted like the Republicans under Bush and steamrolled their programs through. Health Care Reform could have been accomplished in two months and people would have been reaping the benefits before the 2010 elections. A bigger stimulus bill could have been pushed through and our recovery would be that much further along. And finally, the teabaggers would have lost most of the elections they did win because Americans like a congress that gets shit done, regardless of party.