
No, the NDAA Does Not Authorize Indefinite Detention of US Citizens

NJDhockeyfan12/17/2011 7:52:33 am PST

Cockroaches are fleeing one of their nests…

Hamas flees from its Syrian headquarters

When a radical Islamic terrorist group evacuates an Arab country, that’s a sign of a dangerous situation even the most bloodthirsty killers fear. According to sources in Israel, the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas began evacuating its Syrian external headquarters this week..

According to the Meir Amit Center, by Thursday most of the Hamas operatives had already left Syria. While hundreds of Hamas members were stationed in Damascus, their headquarters is now staffed by a only few dozen men.

“Evacuating Hamas’ external headquarters from Damascus 13 years after it was moved there from Jordan, is, in our assessment, a watershed event in the history of the Hamas movement and liable to have repercussions in the internal Palestinian arena and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“Initially, it is a result of the worsening situation of Bashar Assad’s regime and regional fluctuations in general. In our assessment, the recent dramatic developments in Syria make it necessary for the Syrian-sponsored terrorist organizations, among them Hamas and Hezbollah, to reexamine their relations with Bashar Assad’s regime after years of activity under a Syrian-Iranian aegis,” officials at Meir Amit stated.