
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

Interesting Times4/03/2012 7:17:40 am PDT

re: #353 Talking Point Detective

I meant what rate of change was the underlying calculus for that graphic depicting predicted temps in 2100? Do you have the link to the source?

I got the graphic from the dKos piece I linked to my #288. The author in turn got it from this paper:

The main results of this paper are in agreement with those of Clark et al. [2006], indicating that the patterns of modeled changes of extreme temperatures are not an artifact of the particular model used here. Even if corrected for the bias in today’s climate, the projected T100 values point to the importance of dangerously high future temperatures in densely populated areas. For example, projected T100 values far exceed 40C in Southern Europe and the US Midwest by 2090–2100 and even reach 50C in north-eastern India and most of Australia. Such levels receive much too little attention in the current climate change discussion, given the potentially large implications.