
GOHMERT! Gay Rights Supporters Are Just Like Nazis

EPR-radar5/09/2014 5:03:14 pm PDT

re: #353 Jordy LuhPhorj

I’ve worked for an exploiter company (Charter Cable) that treats employees just as bad as Walmart does so seeing Obama in that Walmart photo is really bumming me out. I understand the context of getting them to switch to solar, but Walmart is so evil is it even worth working with them? They may actually be THE worst labor exploiters in the country. Seeing the president associated with them is actually confusing me because I support Obama and I thought Walmart was our common enemy. I thought Obama may make an example of them somehow by calling them out publicly for the exploitation of American workers. But we get this smiley happy fake ass clean bright Walmart bullshit instead.

The Democrats are center-right on economic issues and center left on social issues. The Republicans are barking mad on all issues.

Anyone expecting lefty economic policy (which is badly need to correct various imbalances in the US) out of today’s Democrats is going to be disappointed.

In particular, Walmart is a big enough player that it has significant ties to both party establishments. IIRC Hillary Clinton spent some time on their board of directors.