
Cheney: 'We're Happy to Have General Powell in the Republican Party'

Neuron5/28/2009 3:57:19 pm PDT

First, start with Chapters 21-24 of Exodus and then get back to me. I really don’t understand the antipathy toward the text, maybe you are conflating it with Christian theology. However, even Eric Foner, author of “Give Me Liberty” (no lover of America or Christianity) could not avoid the Judeo-Christian influences in the Constitution and even more so, our laws. Yes, you are correct that the Enlightenment was also influential in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, however it does not mean religion was absent. Christians fled Europe to escape religious persecution, where did you study American history? Who do you think started the debate of “Liberty” and “Freedom”? It wasn’t secularists. The framers wanted the country to be religious, but to be inclusive of all religions. By the way, it was the same religious people that fought against slavery, based on liberty and freedom for all mankind.
Finally, are you are insuating Ann Coulter is a white supremacist?