
Video: Palin's Anti-Science Word Salad

McSpiff4/10/2010 1:15:50 pm PDT

re: #341 SanFranciscoZionist

I wish you wouldn’t. That misunderstanding has enabled more half-assed racist crap from the anti-Israel activists than any other single point.

Yeah, I seriously questioned how to phrase that. I more meant that Carter viewed ‘our side’ as bad (traditional western society) and this can be seen through his support of Zimbabwe, Indonesia, various south American dictatorships. Basically anyone who ‘threw off the chains of white oppression’. But he didn’t support Israel because they are on ‘our side’. I really am over my head here, seeing as I wasn’t even born during the Carter admin, or the majority of the Regan admin either. Hope I’m making some semblance of sense.