
Rachel Maddow on the Violent Anti-Abortion Movement

Achilles Tang4/22/2011 7:42:56 am PDT

re: #349 RogueOne

There was a lot of conflicting witness testimony but the bottom line is they shot a guy 8 times who had a permit to carry a weapon, hadn’t broken any laws, and the weapon was still in the holster. That’s not heroic and giving them a medal for it is more than distasteful in my book.

Easy for you to say. Let’s take out the after the fact knowledge that he was a veteran with all the emotional connotations involved.

Do I assume that you would wait until an obviously armed man fired at you before firing back or would you attempt to shoot at his hand reaching for his weapon?

Anyone who carries weapons (plural I add) in a normally safe public place has to be held to a higher standard of behavior that the rest of us.