
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

Talking Point Detective4/03/2012 7:20:25 am PDT

re: #352 Obdicut

That link does nothing to address my specific complaint. It is only talking about migration inside climate zones, and doesn’t at all address that there may be no suitable area nearby to migrate to for non-climactic reasons.

Do you get that that’s my problem with what you’re saying?

My point is that predictions about the level of impact by a certain end point are highly contingent upon the rates of change, and that there is fairly wide CI w/r/t sensitivity over a 200-year time span. If you’re going to make a prediction about level of global temperature change, you have to associate it with a specific rate of change and discuss where that rate is in the range of probabilities, and even there when you’re talking about the relationship between temperatures and impact there is a great deal of uncertainty. Yes, for sure, the questions you raise are among those uncertainties.

No, it isn’t, because you’d have to be able to predict the actual global effects, too. And that depends on the interaction of different systems.

I’m not really sure what you’re saying here - it seems to me that the logic of what you wrote is completely consistent with the comment you were responding to, yet you’re telling me that I’m wrong. I’m not sure that I can add anything that wouldn’t essentially repeat the comment you were responding to.