
Birther Loon Donald Trump's RNC Appearance Canceled Due to Weather

darthstar8/26/2012 8:48:28 pm PDT

re: #354 darthstar

This pro-feminist atheist male has been fighting sexism (though I do make the occasional sexist joke I will admit - I’m not perfect, obviously) for going on two decades. I do think it’s interesting that there’s this effort to classify ‘atheists’ as a cohesive group. We’re Catholics, Jews, Baptists, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Hindus, Buddhists, and every other religion. Atheists are primarily secular humanists…we aren’t devoid of spirituality…we just don’t buy into that named god bullshit. God is just a metaphor for the self (which is why we created him/her/it in our image). An explanation for the unexplainable (How did we get here? What happens to us when we die? How did Tim Tebow hit that receiver in the end zone?—even Tim has no fuckin’ clue).

Oh, and I don’t speak for all atheists. Just myself. That’s how it works.