
It Begins: The Destruction of Syria's Chemical Weapons

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/08/2013 8:44:05 am PDT

re: #356 lawhawk

What part of shutdown do these idiots not understand.

Oh wait.

They want a shutdown, but not any of the effects - especially as it relates to their pet causes, whether it’s the WWII memorial (the Normandy cemeteries), National Parks, but ignore the huge effect and impact it has on people who rely on the federal goverment’s safety net (TANF, WIC, SNAP), jobs at federal agencies, contract workers who work for the government, and companies that rely on federal contracts.

They want people to think (and it takes a bit of cognitive dissonance to reconcile opposing claims too): 1) Obama is specifically targeting them in the shutdown or exaggerating the claims; 2) the shutdown isn’t have much of an impact since 85% is still functioning; 3) the shutdown isn’t affecting people, so we can do away with the parts that have been shutdown; and 4) reopen national parks and the mall, but keep them closed so we can have photo ops of people sneaking in and trespassing on federal lands and NPS administered property, potentially exposing themselves and the govt to liability issues.

Instead, the GOP thinks it appropriate to keep the Congressional gym open, but cuts off payments to SNAP/WIC/TANF unless the Democrats cave on their extortionist demands.

Fuck them seriously. You don’t get to shutdown the government over Obamacare and then act all puffy and outraged that certain parts of the government are gasp actually shut-down. I’d respect them more if they at least owned up to the parks being closed but no they’re acting like it’s Obama’s fault directly. If any of these parks or mounments got vandalized during the shutdown, Obama would be the first one to be blamed by them. It’s a fucking game to these fuckmongrels.