
Video: Rachel Maddow Digs Deeper Into the Christie Scandal Timeline

Kragar1/10/2014 10:30:18 am PST

Where they get that BS from:

“The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party” by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams

According to the authors, homosexuality found in the Nazi Party contributed to the extreme militarism of Nazi Germany. The title of the book, as well as the book itself, is a reference to a book by Richard Plant called The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals, a book detailing homophobia in the Nazi Party and the homosexual victims of Nazism. Lively and Abrams also take up the subject of Nazism in America and discuss the Boy Scouts. The book states that many leaders in the German Nazi regime, including Adolf Hitler himself, were homosexual and says that eight of the top ten serial killers in the US were homosexuals.[2][3] The authors claim that persecution of homosexuals was only directed towards feminine homosexuals.[verification needed] One significant source for The Pink Swastika was the book Germany’s National Vice written by Samuel Igra, which Lively refers to as “the 1945 version of The Pink Swastika.”[4]