
Louisiana BOE Adopts New Policy Favoring Creationism

hazzyday1/16/2009 5:31:09 pm PST

For those readers who don’t think Obama is black.

In the US if he self identifies as black and has a grandparent that is black, popular culture accepts him as black. Not Arab or White. If you think Arab or white is correct then your logic is failing you and Captain Kirk would be able to make you seethe and smoke and then blow up. Thus freeing the world from your misconceptions. And you would be reincarnated as a troofer.

However if he lived in Brazil he would be considered a white person.

We would have to defer to the authority of Dr. Suess to acutally clear up what is going on here.

Illinois probably has a law on the books still designating that Obama is indeed legally black in Illinois.