
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

lazardo12/12/2009 8:31:52 pm PST

re: #351 windsagio

well you asked for little things someone could do.

Every american stopping driving won’t save us, but each person changing their habits helps a little bit, and the results are cumulative.

Thats kind of where we are. Each person can help a tiny bit, and each person can help a tiny bit more by being a positive influence. I know this sounds like Hippie crap, but there is a certain point to it. The governments aren’t doing much now, but each one that puts in meaningful reforms is putting a little bit more pressure on the others (except maybe China, I don’t know what the hell to do about them.)

Especially when doing these things can also actually save you money/help your health/whatever…

Wow, that was ranty, sorry!

At least Hippies actually stood for something. Hipsters on the other hand…