
The Guantanamo 'Suicides' - A Cover-Up?

iceweasel1/22/2010 11:43:44 am PST

re: #357 Jimmah

FC hasn’t bothered to read the Horton report CJ linked, nor has he read any of the other docs it talks about: the NCIS report, or the Seton Hall report. Nor has he read any of the links in spinoffs, or any of the links provided in this thread.
Most people in this thread (not all, but most, and certainly all of the deniers) haven’t bothered to even read the link Charles gave. That’s why they reduced to posting crap or insults.
I’ll summarise some of the issues for them; these are from the Q&A Horton did some months ago with the primary author of the Seton Hall report— in other words, this doesn’t even deal with the more troubling revelations in the link Charles posted:

Q: You conclude that the military investigators reached conclusions that are unsupported by evidence and that they established other facts which they then ignore, failing to draw conclusions from them. Can you give some examples of each? Why would they do this?

A: Some examples include the following:

• There is no explanation of how three bodies could have hung in cells for at least two hours while the cells were under constant supervision and by guards continually walking the corridors guarding only 28 detainees.
• The original military press releases did not report that the detainees had been dead for more than two hours when they were discovered, nor that rigor mortis had set in by the time of discovery.
• The initial military press releases did not report that, when the detainees’ bodies arrived at the clinic, it was determined that each had a rag obstructing his throat.
• There is no explanation of why the Alpha Block guards were advised that they were suspected of making false statements or failing to obey direct orders.
• There is no explanation of why the guards were ordered not to provide sworn statements about what happened that night.
• There is no explanation of why no one was disciplined for acts or failures to act that night.

There is no explanation of how each of the detainees, much less all three, could have done the following: braided a noose by tearing up his sheets and/or clothing, made a mannequin of himself so it would appear to the guards he was asleep in his cell, hung
sheets to block vision into the cell—a violation of Standard Operating Procedures— tied his feet together, tied his hands together, hung the noose from the metal mesh of the cell wall and/or ceiling, climbed up on to the sink, put the noose around his neck and released his weight to result in death by strangulation, hanged until dead and hung for at least two hours completely unnoticed by guards.