
Overnight Open Thread

Cato the Elder3/05/2010 7:02:37 am PST

re: #36 iceweasel

apologies if this has already been posted:

Indiana’s ‘sovereign citizens’ renounce their U.S. citizenship, claim to secede from the Union.

Similar groups of “sovereign citizens” have been reported in several other states as well.
ADL link for background info on the movement.

This has been going on for quite some time. McVeigh was affiliated with these people.

One of the ways you can actually “secede” (truly lose your citizenship) is to renounce it before a US consular officer overseas. Fact.

Not sure if a justice of the peace in Bumwad, OK, will do. But some of these people could actually find themselves forfeiting the rights and benefits of being an American citizen. For example, if they travel abroad.

I heard about a guy once, years ago, who actually did that. In Sweden. He instantly became stateless.

Swedes being Swedes, he’s probably got a nice apartment in Varberg now, with a view of the Kattegat and a leggy blonde girlfriend.

Try that in, say, Texarkana.