
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

garhighway4/09/2010 7:31:27 am PDT

re: #342 Oh no…Sand People!

Exactly. My whole idea was to give Newt something to use that wouldn’t have to be ‘Dog Whistle’ and still get his populist self righteous indignation both sides are begging for a flowing.

But that’s not his goal. His goal is to wink at the audience and say, in effect, “I want to remind you of one of the reasons you and I are on the same side here: we both hate that a black man is in the White House” without saying that. Golf doesn’t work. Baseball doesn’t work. Basketball works.

(Buchanan likes to do the same thing on financial issues, but with a different target. He always makes sure to only use the names of financial firms that sound Jewish.)

Let it never be said that Newt doesn’t know his craft. He does. Nor, by the way, does this make him a racist. He might be, he might not be. But it means he is willing to push that button for his own gain. And that he thinks his audience is susceptible to that manipulation.