
John Derbyshire Is Just a Little Too Openly Racist for NRO

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce4/08/2012 7:28:01 am PDT

re: #347 Killgore Trout

I think CSM is a good example of what journalism should be. NPR is loaded with liberals but they are also trying to attempt serious journalism and do a decent job of it. On the corporate side I think Murdoch is a good example. Is he really a conservative ideologue? I’m sure he has some conservative leanings but he’s just a business man selling people what they want to hear. If Glenn Beck gets people excited enough to sit through commercials for snack foods and detergent then he’s going to put it on the air. It doesn’t have to be good for conservatism, it just has to sell advertising space and generate ratings. The content isn’t important beyond that.

You’ve gotta be kidding. You seem to be implying that a multimedia empire that as a matter of policy broadcasts demonstrably false information to a multinational audience, demonizes differing points of view (“the lamestream media, herpa derp”), and actively works to shape public opinion on legislative policy issues in the context of that demonstrably false information is a “good example of what journalism should be.”