
Overnight Open Thread

Taqiyyotomist2/27/2009 5:05:17 am PST

re: #345 jim in virginia

Just rmember. O said he favored an increase in capital gains taxes, even if it hurt revenues, because of “fairness.”
Taxes aren’t to balance the budget, they are to ensure equity.

Amen. Every single day online I see someone saying “(x) plan is not going to work! He should do it *this* way instead!”

What the erstwhile advice-givers neglect to realize: your definition of success, of ‘working’, is not Obama’s. He doesn’t WANT it to succeed, he doesn’t want it to ‘work’, in the advice-giver’s sense of success and efficacy. He doesn’t WANT the advice of columnists and economists, because his endgame is quite different from theirs; in fact, quite the opposite. The failure, complete collapse of the American economy is what Obama considers SUCCESS.

People need to quit trying to pretend to give Obama and this administration “Advice” on how to really fix things. Obama wants to break things, not fix them. THATS THE PLAN.