
Tea Party Leader Mark Williams: Hoist With His Own Petard

HoosierHoops9/15/2009 11:15:06 am PDT

re: #331 Charles

They really seem to think America’s about to be taken over.

And they link to Lionheart, a BNP thug, and Gates of Vienna, where they rhapsodize about expelling and/or killing all Muslims in Western countries.

Pure hate speech and raving paranoia. It’s the dead end of the anti-jihad blogs.

Well just in case we all become secret Muslims next week.. I have a few questions.. How many wives do we get? Also can we preorder 72 virgins for the after life..I don’t want to get stuck with Janet Reno.
Do I have to wear of those Turbans around my head? I don’t even wear ballcaps..That could be a show stopper for me..
One last thing..Do I have to give up the monthly Zionist checks?