
9/11 Suspects Will Be Tried in New York

dugmartsch11/13/2009 10:55:16 am PST

re: #22 NJDhockeyfan

We already are.

( – The Justice Department confirmed last week that FBI agents in Afghanistan are reading Miranda warnings to suspected terrorists captured there, a practice that Republican congressmen this week branded as “crazy” and “stupid.”

Miranda warnings were mandated by a U.S. Supreme Court decision that said domestic law enforcement agencies must inform criminal suspects arrested in the United States of their rights under the 5th Amendment.

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law,” says the typical Miranda warning. “You have the right to an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights?”

The Obama administration’s decision to make this statement to terror suspects captured on the battlefield in a foreign country has sparked outrage among several Republicans in Congress who spoke with It also contradicts what President Barack Obama said in March, when he indicated that Miranda rights did not apply to terror suspects captured overseas.

Oh Outrage. Thy warmth is like a tonic to the soul.

This is a policy disagreement. Not something to get outraged about.