
Spectacular Stop-Motion Animation: My Strange Grandfather

Dark_Falcon2/24/2013 9:04:24 am PST

re: #357 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

Obama is right, though.

The GOP isn’t going to be able to avoid blame for the sequester. Rather than strategizing about blame, they could, oh, I dunno, pass something with reasonable tax increases as well as some modest cuts. I say that because I know the GOP is too far gone in minarchist Ayn Rand derpitude to actually increase non-military spending, which is what we actually should be doing.

Sorry, but no. The sequester is right now the only way Republicans can cut the budget. And Barron’s is right on that point: If we don’t reduce spending we’ll be as screwed as Greece is. Barring some willingness to make major non-defense cuts on the part of the Democrats (the sequester already includes defense cuts), then I see no alternative to the sequester.