
The Lessons of the Gosnell Case: Exactly the Opposite of the Right Wing Spin

Targetpractice4/15/2013 11:44:51 am PDT

re: #34 Destro

If Americans practiced birth control and were educated in safe sex starting in school we would have less need of abortions. Sadly, the people against abortions also tend to be against sex education and contraception.

That’s because, in their minds, the only “moral” choice is to wait until marriage before ever engaging in sex, and only having sex for the purpose of procreating. I remember one wingnut, back last year during the whole fuss over birth control and Sandra Fluke, come out and declare that married couples never having sex outside of trying to have a kid was the ideal lifestyle.

Basically these folks haven’t had it broken to them that Leave It to Beaver was a TV show.