
Live Video: President Obama Makes a Statement

klys (maker of Silmarils)5/15/2013 4:11:54 pm PDT

re: #32 GeneJockey

FTFY. (Loving the strikethrough!)

Well, yeah.

I’m young enough that I don’t have the background, so I ask the older Lizards: was it like this when it was Democrat presidents before Clinton, that the Republicans wanted to impeach them and were pretty much looking for excuses? (Because Clinton’s impeachment …yeah. I sort of thought that was there for serious crimes, not for political gain.)

I heard some agitation for it during Bush’s presidency but mostly from the moonbat-types. My impression is that it was less common on the Democrat side of the aisle - some distaste over the mess with Clinton and wanting to reserve it as the tool it was likely meant as instead of a political weapon, perhaps - but that’s just an impression so I can’t say for sure.

Also I liked to ignore politics then because I despised Bush.

So thoughts on the climate from older Lizards?