
Your Delightfully Odd Music Video of the Day: Shugo Tokumaru - Poker

Reality Based Steve4/26/2014 5:57:01 pm PDT

re: #23 sattv4u2

Athletic prowess runs in the family

But in the 1990s - another moment in time when an event in North Korea varies (some say it happened in 1991 and others in 1994), the late dictator, then 50 (or 53) years old, set a golfing standard that will assuredly never be surpassed. It occurred at the grand opening of the Pyongyang Golf Complex, which contains North Korea’s only 18-hole golf course.

After picking up a golf club that day for the very first time in his life, the Dear Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea fired a 38-under-par round of 34 at Pyongyang. According to the 17 security guards who observed the performance, the score included an amazing 11 aces. Naturally, the event was dutifully reported to the North Korean masses by the state news agency.

First rule of golf. If you’re going to stretch the truth, or use some creative accounting on your scorecard, at least keep it within the bounds of reason.