
The Nuttiest, Most Hateful Right Wing Video of the Week

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines5/14/2014 11:23:09 am PDT

re: #27 Sergey Romanov

It’s from a kids’ movie. :)

Devil worshipers then, like those teletubby characters Jerry Falwell exposed a while back. Everything imaginative or creative kids might do is a form of devil worshiper infiltration and indoctrination, since we all know that isolated ultra-conservative southwestern burgs are just crawling with Satanists. If they weren’t up to no good, they’d be watching Bonanza reruns or going to football practice for entertainment.
Muslims, otoh, apparently infiltrate by buying and building stuff. A Lubbock fundy confidently assured me a while back that Muslims will try to “take over” and institute “Shahara” law as soon as they reach 3% of any given population. Damned powerful and clever people, those Muslim infiltrators, capable of taking over despite 30 to one odds.